Realigning the child post covid

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a lot of changes in the world, including significant changes in the way children are educated and raised. Many children have had to adjust to remote learning, social distancing, and limited social interaction. As we start to emerge from the pandemic, it’s important for parents and caregivers to focus on realigning the child and helping them get back on track.
Reestablish routines and schedules:
One of the most important things parents can do to help their children adjust after COVID-19 is to reestablish routines and schedules. This will help children feel more grounded and secure, as they know what to expect from day-to-day. Try to keep a regular bedtime and wake-up time, mealtime, and study time.
Encourage social interaction:
The pandemic has caused many children to feel isolated and lonely. Encourage your child to socialize with friends and family members. If your child is not ready to interact with others in-person, you can help them connect virtually through video chats or phone calls.
Prioritize physical activity:
Physical activity is crucial for a child’s physical and mental well-being. Encourage your child to engage in outdoor activities, such as playing sports, going for walks or bike rides. This will not only help them stay active but also improve their mood and overall mental health.

Holistic development- A reality or a hoax

Children have always been taught to be groomed universally, but is this even necessary? The current generation of children is far more technologically advanced than their predecessors. Similarly, the need for proper comprehension of concepts apart from mainstream academics has become critical in this age.


A child of the present generation has to be taught not only about the subjects prescribed by the board but also about the skills which will enable them to be future leaders. The importance of 21st century skills is more than ever as we are educating the young minds to be self-reliant and confident human beings so ultimately these abilities become necessities.


Children are now exposed to sports, leadership activities, debates, extra-curricular activities, etc. all of which harness the skills of the children and aid them in making their own choices. We have already seen the emergence of so many new careers which are extremely dynamic and competence based which motivates us to make our childrenbe future ready to excel into all the dimensions of life!

Skill based development is the need of the hour

Skill development is generally used to refer to the productive capabilities acquired through all levels of learning and training , occurring in formal , non-formal , informal and on-the-job settings. Recent research shows that a large percentage of employees in India believe that their college education alone does not equip them with skills to make them effective employers to provide them with ‘a culture of learning’ , to stay relevant in this ever changing landscape . The World is changing and so does the economies along with it, the need for a skill based workforce is on the rise. The students are the human capital of the country and it is essential to empower them for the development of the economy. We can see some advantages of skill based education as:- 1. Connects education with employment expectations. 2. Allows choice from growing number of ways to build and validate skills. 3. Skill based education is definitely more effective and purpose driven which helps students to receive a clear objective along with a vibrant culture. Even in school curriculum that incorporates skill based learning enhances creativity among children. Students are better able to grasp and learn new skills at an early age; and when exposed to new experiences through skill development they become more creative and imaginative. Skill based education guides the students where to look, doesn’t limit their world to what to see and so it is the true celebration of inquisitiveness of future seekers of the Millennium.